Impairment Assessment Training Victoria

The Personal Injury Education Foundation delivers training using the American Medical Association Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment under Victorian legislation.


Delivery: Webinar This is a Stream 2 module and it’s designed for doctors that have already successfully completed the Psychiatry GEPIC Stream 1 module and hold that accreditation. Stream 2 modules do not have any assessment requirements, they will help you improve your proficiency by updating your skills in applying the AMA4 Guides and/or other prescribed assessment methods. Successful completion of the Stream 2 module will lead to awarding of one update to accreditation: Psychiatry GEPIC update If you have not already successfully completed Stream 1 Psychiatry GEPIC module and you want to gain that accreditation, please go back to the homepage and enrol in Psychiatry GEPIC (Stream 1). Please note: The prescribed method of assessing psychiatric impairment changed to the GEPIC in 2005. Some examiners may have been trained and accredited in the older method of assessing Psychiatric Method (the CGRPI) but must successfully complete Stream 1 training for the newer Psychiatry GEPIC module to be accredited to use that newer methodology. In that case, please go back to the homepage and enrol in Psychiatry GEPIC (Stream 1). *Course cost includes GST. Module information This module teaches the prescribed methodology for assessing psychiatric impairment, but the methodology used is not that from in Chapter 14 of the Guides. A substituted methodology called the ‘GEPIC’ is required to assess Psychiatric impairment for the Victorian Compensation Jurisdictions. This module covers: The process of assessment of overall psychiatric impairment using the GEPIC (the Guide to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment for Clinicians). Apportionment of Psychiatric Impairment: The approach required to disentangle what impairment may or may not be related to a compensable event. The legislative requirements to further differentiate between certain types of psychiatric impairment which may be related to compensable event. The approach taken to disentangle any overlap between the Psychiatric Impairment and organic impairment of the Nervous System. Read more

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